It's Easy to Have Faith When the Miracles Happen

83 Miracle Quotes and Sayings

Be inspired and be encouraged by reading these miracle quotes and sayings. We marvel at the wonder of miracles and we are always looking for examples of them, yet if we just stopped and thought about it they are around us everyday.
  1. "Miracles happen every day you just have to look for them, they are there."
    Words of Encouragement   |
  2. "The fact people do not know you by name, or you are not as highly educated as many of your peers or friends should not stop you from receiving a miracle touch from God." David Odunaiya, How To Make Faith Work In Your Life
    Quotes about God   |
  3. Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. Phillips Brooks
    Work   |

    Each of my days are miracles. I won't waste my day; I won't throw away miracle. Kelley Vicstrom

  4. "Each of my days are miracles. I won't waste my day; I won't throw away miracle." Kelley Vicstrom
    Inspirational Quotes   |
  5. "Miracles are not in contradiction to nature. They are only in contradiction with what we know of nature." Saint Augustine
    Famous   |
  6. The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have. Leonard Nimoy
    Sharing   |
  7. "Be a lifter of other people; encourage somebody, bless them, pray with them, trust God for their miracle until it comes." John Ndeere, Prepare for Success
    Trust   |
  8. "You don't have to look far to see a miracle life is rich with them." Author Unknown
    Great Quotes about Life   |
  9. "The Old Testament is the best commentary on the New Testament ever written. There we learn why Jesus had to come, why He taught what He did, and why He worked miracles." Dr. Stephen Lennox, God With Us
    Teacher   |
  10. "Let us not forget that Christmas is truly a time for giving. Not just for our friends and family but for those who are less fortunate. That is the miracle of Christmas!" Catherine Pulsifer
    Christmas   |
  11. "Do not underestimate the positive energies you create when you know how to be grateful with the daily miracles surrounding you." Henry Good, Selfishness
    Positive   |

    A miracle is really the only way to describe motherhood and giving birth.  Jennie Finch

  12. "A miracle is really the only way to describe motherhood and giving birth. It's unbelievable how God has made us women and babies to endure and be able to do so much. A miracle indeed. Such an incredible blessing." Jennie Finch
    Mother   |
  13. "The believers in miracles accept them (rightly or wrongly) because they have evidence for them." G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
    Example   |
  14. "Miracles happen to those who believe in them." Bernard Berenson
    Inspirational Sayings  |
  15. "Some people think great miracles no longer happen, they no longer believe, but if they believed, their eyes would be open to them as they they happen everyday." Catherine Pulsifer
    Words of Faith  |
  16. "An amazing miracle rises when we pray for revival. When we enter into intimate communion with God, He converts hate into love, anger into peace, and fear into courage." Sammy Tippit, The Approaching Darkness
    Fear   |
  17. "Look at the birth of a child, how can you not believe in miracles?" Catherine Pulsifer
    Children   |
  18. "Yet when each of us gives what we have, the miracle of multiplication occurs again." Alice Camille, A Book of Grace-Filled Days
    Quotes to Live By   |
  19. "The Acts relate stories of miracles, which can still happen today." Mary DeKok Blowers, Filled With the Holy Spirit
    Inspirational Prayers  |
  20. "While we haven't raised anyone from the dead, we have fed a lot of hungry people and seen the sick and injured made well. Those are God's great miracles, those He works through people helping other people." Wendell E, Mettey, What God Desires
    Helping Others   |

    Not only do I have hope, but faith in God brings about a miraculous change in me. Patricia A Gilpin-Hudson; Carol R Muschette

  21. "Not only do I have hope, but faith in God brings about a miraculous change in me." Patricia A Gilpin-Hudson; Carol R Muschette, Find Joy in Daily Living
    Hope   |
  22. "Jesus communed with the Father regularly, performed creative and re-creative miracles, effected signs and wonders, subdued His enemies, and in His final awesome and great act of dominion and ruling on earth, conquered death." Jeff Jansen, Glory Rising
    Death   |
  23. "Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to receive. They simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver." Dr. Helen Schucman, A Course in Miracles
    Blessed   |
  24. "May each of us, in our unique ways, experience the miracles of birth and resurrections that are all around us." Jane Gilgun, Stories and Poems About Mothers
    Experience   |
  25. "Another key to ushering in the glory is sacrificial giving. It opens up the glory and miracles in ways that nothing else will." David Herzog, Living in the Glory Every Day
    Giving   |
  26. "The more we have to testify of and the more people testifying, the more the world will realize how deep and wide His love, that miracles happen and prayer works." Bill Vincent, Glory: Increasing God's Presence
    Love   |
  27. "We are told that many of the miracles Jesus performed 'are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.'" (John 20:31)" Dan Delzell, What Would Jesus Say to Churches Today?
    Believe   |
  28. "Faith, even faith for miracles, comes through our ability not to betray the spiritual covenant that we have with God." Keith Intrater, Covenant Relationships
    Faith   |

    When God is our strength, we begin to not only see miracles in the lives of others, but in our lives as well.  E'yen A Gardner

  29. "When God is our strength, we begin to not only see miracles in the lives of others, but in our lives as well." E'yen A Gardner, Chosen One
    Poems about Faith   |
  30. "Those who assume that miracles cannot happen are merely wasting their time by looking into the texts: we know in advance what results they will find for they have begun by begging the question." C. S. Lewis, Miracles (Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis)
    Time   |
  31. "Digging for and sharing our gratitude changes us... and it prepares us for the miracle that is coming. Immanuel." Jenni Hunt, Haywire Christmas
    Gratitude   |
  32. "I must ask God for impossible things for the men, to receive miracles." Alberlin Torres, Notes of Victory
    Encouraging   |
  33. "Remember how the Scripture said Jesus had been performing a lot of signs and healings? Most of these miracles were performed in public. Everyone saw them. That's why the crowds were flocking to Jesus." Daniel Hochhalter, Losers Like Us
    Jesus Poems   |
  34. Jesus was innocent, but it was God�s plan that he gave his life willingly, to take the judgment for the sins of the world upon himself, as our substitute. Robert Medlin, The Power of Miracles
    Life   |
  35. Great miracles performed Jesus throughout his ministry, healthy blind, crippled, raised the dead, forgive sins, he did everything for that the people would not continue living their lives under the curse of disease, everyone who heard Jesus preach and believe in that power they were activated and received their miracles. Alberlin Torres, The Power of Believe in Jesus
    Forgiveness   |

    It is hard for us to wrap our mind around the greatest miracle of all time being that God. Aaron Mamuyac

  36. It is hard for us to wrap our mind around the greatest miracle of all time being that God, who dwells outside of time and the material, would subject himself to his creation. Aaron Mamuyac, 30 Prayers with the Names of Jesus
    Greatness   |
  37. When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
    Helen Keller Quotes

    We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.

    H.G. Wells
    Inspirational Poems   |
  38. By the standard historical criteria used for evaluating Jesus's sayings, we can affirm multiply attested miracles and (more easily) categories of miracles in Jesus's ministry. Craig S. Keener, Miracles
    Inspirational Messages   |
  39. I knew God was awesome, and could do miracles, but had no idea how to get him to change me. Alexander Powys, God Will Use It For Good!
    Change   |
  40. Because if you believe in just that one miracle it will open up the world of miracles itself, will lead you back into a world where those miracles themselves point to the larger truth, point to the place where they came from and are signposts to that place, signs for us here to know that there is a place there - and the signs do not just point to that place and tell us that it's true, but somehow they show us how to get back there, if we can see them for what they are, if we can see the signs and read the signs and dare to follow them. Eric Metaxas, Miracles
    Dare   |
  41. When you are outside; the enemy defeats you in so many ways you come to the house of God, you will find people that have words of power, gifted with the gift of authority and the miraculous workings of God. By their ministration and prayer, all those weaknesses, sickness go away and you receive your miracle, become strengthened again praising God. Pastor Paul Rika, The Key of Your Life is in Your Hand
    Prayer   |

    We are, each of us, a miracle. Within every one of us, the pilot light of hope never dies. Og Mandino

  42. We are, each of us, a miracle. Within every one of us, the pilot light of hope never dies. Og Mandino, Og Mandino's University of Success
    Hope Poem   |
  43. When we choose to give, we change, and the people around us change. When we move from awareness to action, miracles happen. When we allow giving to be our idea, a world of possibilities opens up before us, and we discover new levels of joy. Brad Formsma, I Like Giving
    Choices   |
  44. Statistically speaking, the fact that you're alive is pretty much a straight up miracle. It's as if you won one of the most difficult lotteries in the history of the world. Dave Craige, Keep Cranking
    Poems about Life   |
  45. Does God still do miracles today? You bet he does. But he does them in his timing, according to his sovereign will. Believe that God is working in your life, claim his promise, and move forward with his power! Rick Warren
    Moving Forward
  46. The littleness of men gets in the way of the bigness of God. We have expected God to work miracles directly from heaven, when He can only work them through men.
    Wilfred Peterson Quotes
  47. Our first miracle, or series of miracles, is birth. So many things must happen for our lives to become realities; we must be miracles. Throughout our existences, we are bathed in miracles. Maybe miracles are life, and life is miraculous. Joe Hoft, Loving, Blessing, and Being Aware of God's Grace
    God's Grace Quotes   |
  48. A miracle, my friend, is an event which creates faith.
    George Bernard Shaw Quotes
  49. May we always be inspired and may we always recognize that this miracle is the reason for our celebrations. Catherine Pulsifer
    Christmas Greetings

    To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle. Walt Whitman

  50. To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle. Walt Whitman
    New Beginnings
  51. You can learn to go way beyond believing and goal setting, to a new place within yourself: the place of knowing. It is in this realm of your mind that miracles are produced. Wayne Dyer, Real Magic
    Wayne Dyer Quotes
  52. The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor.
    Jim Rohn Quotes
  53. Every moment of the day and the simple acknowledgment of the miracle of my physical being fills me with a new appreciation inspiring me to a live a life worthy of the miracle. Elizabeth D. Gray
  54. May there be a miracle in your life TODAY and may you have the EYES to see it. Author Unknown
  55. But the ordinary rules cannot be worked until we have decided whether miracles are possible, and if so, how probable they are. C. S. Lewis, Miracles (Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis)
  56. I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness. Mother Teresa
  57. Appreciation of life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being alive, on this planet, can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle. We come awake to such a realization when we recognize our connection to a spiritual dimension. Dan Wakefield
    Appreciation Poems
  58. If you don't get a miracle become one. Nick Vujicic


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